Music is our passion. Music is our pressure relief valve. Music is what brings us together.
A creative process is going on. There is nothing better than creating a musical composition with your own hands. We put heart and soul into this project and try to create a sound, that is unique and recognisable. We practice and improve our skills to perform as good as possible.
We produce our own recordings and publish our MUSIC and videos online. Check out the latest updates in our NEWS section to experience our music live or get in CONTACT with us online.
We are three experienced musicians who were active in different projects over decades. Two bloodlines, consisting of members from the local bands "Clockwork Orange" and "Plastic Karma" merged in 2016 to create "Trafikheads". By chance (or luck) our paths crossed and now we share mutual understanding, inspiring ideas and memorable sessions. Drums, bass, guitar and vocals are all we need to express ourselves and we use these tools to play progressive rock music in a quite contemporary way – even though it's hard to deny what our formative influences are. This is something we don't want to conceal anyway.
In 2016 Trafikheads had their first rehearsal as a quartet in a tiny, abandoned tobacconist's shop in Kapfenberg. Given the fact that tobacco stores in Austria are called "Trafik", we decided to adopt this term for our band name, as it also can be understood as an ambiguous spelling for "traffic".
Since the former front singer and rhythm guitarist left the project in 2018, Trafikheads now consists of three members. By using a stereo guitar setup with three-dimensional reverberation and echo effects, complemented by a bass guitar, synths and drums, we try to build a pristine, unique soundscape.
Trafikheads Lineup
Thorsten Pichler | bass, vocals, synths Martin Hundsbichler | drums Alfred Spanring | guitar, backing vocals
Good news! We have decided to publish our homemade productions via DistroKid. Soon you can stream our music from all large audio streaming providers, such as Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, Tidal, etc. The first song we will release is "In The End". See the preview here
2024-11-10 | In The End - new song online
Trafikheads releases a new song on YouTube. Listen to the music and watch the video, which was created with license-free footage from Pexels. Please support us on our YouTube channel - watch the video, like and subscribe! The song was written, arranged, performed, recorded, mixed and engineered entirely by Trafikheads. We are really looking forward to your feedback - do you like it?
2024-11-03 | New song release coming on 10th of November
Get ready for our brand-new song and video "In The End". The updated teaser is now available on YouTube.
2024-10-27 | New song release coming soon
Get ready for our newest homemade production. Brand-new song, brand-new video! The teaser is now available on YouTube.
Open air. We will open the event at 2pm - be there! Admission free! Get further information here or via Facebook here. After the event a video was released on YouTube
2024-03-23 | Live @ Mad Mountain Meeting 2024
1 day - 2 stages - 15 international and national bands. Mehrzweckhalle Trofaiach (Gößgrabenstraße 17). The event opens at 2pm our time-slot starts at 4pm. Contact us or get your tickets here. Get further information here.
2024-03-17 | Touchdown - new song online
Trafikheads releases a new Song on YouTube. Listen to the music accompanied with psychedelic visuals here. Please give feedback and support! Don't hesitate to like and subscribe! The song was written, arranged, performed, recorded, mixed and engineered by Trafikheads. We are proud of it - what do you think?
Our friends from APIS celebrate the release of their new EP "Illusions" and we are proud to support them. The event opens at 6pm. Contact us or APIS to get your tickets. Get further information here.
2023-07-28 | Trafikheads @ IRFC 2023
We are proud to support the "Iron Road For Children" charity event in Leoben. Awesome line-up on two stages, bikes, US-Cars, food an drink during the whole weekend (Friday to Sunday) in the center of Leoben! Get further infos here. Our gig starts at 4pm on the "Iron Road to Nova Rock Stage" at the Kirchplatz in front of the St. Xaver church.
2023-03-25 | Trafikheads in concert
Once Again! "Iron Rocks Metal Night" @ Stadtsaal Trofaiach. Contact us to get your hardtickets or buy here. Visit the promoter Styrian Metal Company on Facebook here for further information.
2022-03-26 | Trafikheads in concert
We are glad to announce our first live gig! "Iron Rocks Metal Night" @ Stadtsaal Trofaiach. Contact us to get your tickets or buy print@home tickets here. Also visit the promoter Styrian Metal Company on Facebook here for further information.
2021-12-22 | Waiting For The Man - new song online
Trafikheads releases a brand new Track on YouTube. Watch the video with footage from the recording session at Deutsche POP Vienna here and give feedback in the comments section if you feel like it. Please support us and don't hesitate to like and subscribe! The song was written, arranged and performed by Trafikheads, recorded and engineered by an audio engineer master-class. The audio mix of this release was made by ourselves.
2021-11-21 | Studio Session Announcement
We were invited to perform a studio recording session in Vienna, in order to support the final examination of an audio engineer master-class. Hopefully we are allowed to make this happen corresponding to the current pandemic restrictions. We've chosen "Waiting For The Man" for this production, stay tuned for the upcoming release ...
2021-11-19 | Photo Session 2021
We've performed a photo session in the basement of the patriarchal house, below our rehearsal room. The combination of handsome guys [chuckles] with a spooky ambience adds visual tension to the pictures. The result can be downloaded as high resolution pictures from the CONTACT section. Be prepared for the upcoming song "Waiting For The Man", which will pick up this atmosphere.
2020-09-26 | KoMe Simple Recording Sessions 2020
"KoMe Simple" is a local project to support artists and musicians in our home region Leoben. We participated with our song "Cross The Line", featuring Erwin Merl on acoustic guitars. Andreas Kobald did a great job making the video. Check out the introduction interview and the song here.
2020-09-26 | Cross The Line - new song online
Trafikheads releases the first finished song on YouTube. Check it out here and let us know what you think about it in the comments section. Please support us and don't hesitate to like and subscribe! The song was written, arranged, performed, recorded and engineered exclusively by ourselves.
2020-03-28 | Our YouTube Channel goes online
In order to publish our home recorded sessions and songs, we started our own YouTube Channel. Check it out, like, subscribe and keep up to date by activating the notification bell! We're also looking forward to your comments.
All of our homemade productions that meet the quality requirements which we have imposed on ourselves are published via DistroKid. This means you can listen to the published tracks on all large audio streaming providers, such as Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Music, Tidal, etc.
Back in 2020 we started our own YouTube Channel as a straightforward solution to publish our self-produced music. Please support us on our YouTube channel, like, subscribe and keep up to date by activating the notification bell! We're also looking forward to your comments.
Informationspflicht laut § 5 E-Commerce Gesetz und Offenlegungspflicht laut § 25 Mediengesetz
Trafikheads Kontaktdaten
Thorsten Pichler Ostererweg 9c 8700 Leoben Österreich / Austria
+43 664 6184472
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Duty to provide information pursuant to Section 5 of the E-Commerce Act and duty of disclosure pursuant to Section 25 of the Media Act
Trafikheads contact details
Thorsten Pichler Ostererweg 9c 8700 Leoben Austria
+43 664 6184472
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In accordance with the Regulation on Online Dispute Resolution in Consumer Matters (ODR Regulation), we would like to inform you about the online dispute resolution platform (OS platform). Consumers have the opportunity to submit complaints to the European Commission's online dispute resolution platform at You will find the necessary contact details above. However, we would like to point out that we are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.
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